Delfino´s Issue 1 May.2014 | Page 5


What is being Aggresive?

Aggressive people are the kind of people that no one wants to be with, they are very selfish with their way of thinking and don’t care for the others. They always want to win and dominate everyone and try that others don’t express themselves, this kind of people’s gains are: humiliating, degrading, dominating and despising.

Their characteristics are...

This people want to express themselves and their rights but they violate the rights of others by don’t letting them do that if they think things that oppose them and/or their opinions. Aggressive behavior fails to consider the views or feelings of other individuals. Rarely will praise or appreciation of others be shown and an aggressive response tends to put others down.


Aggressive responses encourage the other person to respond in a non-assertive way, either aggressively or passively.

Aggressive behavior is maintained through the belief that the person has more rights, but fewer responsibilities, and more personal worth than others.

Aggressive behavior is not recommended because you are not respecting the opinion of the others and taking away their freedom of speech.