Deep Brain Stimulation and Parkinson’s From Decision-Making to Daily Life with DBS | Page 25


Before Surgery
DBS device Q Which devices are currently available ? Pros and cons of each ?
Q Which do you recommend ? Why ?
Q What is neurosurgeon and programmer experience with each ?
Brain wire , or electrode or lead , placement
Q Wires in both sides of the brain or one ?
Q In the same or separate procedures ? If separate , how much time between ?
Q Where will the wires go ? Why did you pick that spot ? Will you use staples or sutures ?
Q How many scars will I have ?
Q One or two batteries ? Why ? How big ? What will I notice ?
Q Rechargeable or non-rechargeable ? Pros and cons of each ?
Q In chest , abdomen or elsewhere ? Why ?
Q Right , left or both sides ? Why ?
Q How often does the battery need to be replaced ?
Q What does replacement entail ? Risks ?
Q Do you recommend a rechargeable battery for me ? Why or why not ?
Q How does rechargeable charge ? Equipment required ?
Q How often does battery need to be charged and how long does it take ?
Q How to know when battery needs charging ?