Deep Brain Stimulation and Parkinson ’ s
Questions to Ask Your Team : The Pre-Surgical Period
To foster productive discussions with your DBS team , consider these questions , shared by Susan Gilbert Cohen , whose husband Stephen Cohen had DBS in 2018 . Find her conversation-starter questions about the surgery on page 26 and about the postsurgical period on page 42 .
Potential benefits of DBS
Q Am I a candidate for DBS ?
Q If not now , when should I consider DBS ?
Q For which of my symptoms might DBS be most effective ? Least effective ?
Q How long will DBS work ?
Possible risks of DBS Q What are the possible side effects ?
Q How might DBS affect speech , swallowing , balance , thinking or memory , or mood ?
Q Might it cause double vision , tingling or other changes ?
Q Which activities will it impact ?
Pre-op testing Q What ’ s required ?
Q How many visits and with whom ?
Q How long does this process take ?
Doctor experience
Q How many Parkinson ’ s DBS surgeries have you and your center done ?
Q How many do you do per month ?
Q How often do you see complications ? What kind ?
Q Are there any ongoing DBS trials of new devices or surgical techniques that I may consider joining ?
Cost Q Is DBS covered by insurance ?
Q Does coverage vary for different devices ?
Q What is my out-of-pocket cost ?
Q What costs , outside of surgery and hospital stays , should I think about ?