December Newsletter 2023.docx | Page 5

Issue Number 20 | December 2023
incredible space , filled with every person you could ever need to run a show like this one . Kelly-Ann pointed out each area of the newsroom and explained which area each person sat at . Then we were introduced to some of the team that kept a show like this running . Firstly , we were introduced to Emily , who had an extremely stressful job of making sure the show ran exactly to time and creating a running order ( like a list of stories for the day ). It was so interesting to see what a show starts off as before it reaches us viewers , with scripts at this stage saying as much as “ Good Evening .”
Then we were introduced to Ewan Petrie , one of the political reporters of the programme . Ewan explained how pieces were edited and how things were sometimes being edited right down to the very last minute , and the craziness of the newsroom at 5pm every day , with everyone rushing to finish reports and voiceovers before the evening programme . Ewan was in the middle of editing a piece of news for the Monday evening programme all about the First Minister ’ s parents-in-law being trapped in Gaza as a result of the conflict . I said to Ewan , just casually , “ Oh that ’ s the First Minister ' s in laws ,” which shocked both Ewan and Kelly-Ann at how up to date I was in terms of what was happening . Ewan asked me what I wanted to do specifically when I got into journalism , and I explained my love for what Kelly-Ann and John do and the fact that I was inspired by the two of them . We then went and spoke to STV ’ s entertainment reporter Laura Boyd . Laura explained that she also co-presents What ’ s on Scotland , which is a programme all about all things ’ arts happening all over the country . Laura was working on a report for that evening ' s programme about the family in Seamill who decorate their house for Halloween and go all out , they then invite the public to view it and all money raised goes to charity . It was surreal watching this report on the news that night after watching it being edited just a few hours before . Laura then shared her own story with Visual Impairment which both me and my parents had no idea about , the fact that both Laura was willing to share her story and that Kelly-Ann had arranged for us to talk to Laura about not just her job but her Visual Impairment too shows just how much she wanted to show me that despite the barriers , it was absolutely possible for me to reach my goals , so that was so inspiring . Then we were introduced to Andrew , who also has an extremely important job within the newsroom , he is the editor of the programme . Andrew explained that his job is incredibly stressful , and he explained that his job also entailed having to control what goes where in terms of the stories and how to move the running order if breaking news was to come in . It was also explained to us that if something is updated to the Glasgow running