December Newsletter 2023.docx | 页面 4

Issue Number 20 | December 2023
Written by Eve Millar , S5
A few weeks ago , at the end of September I sent one single email . That email changed my life , forever . While in Spain on holiday with family , my Granny June , full of wisdom as always , was discussing her and my family ’ s want to learn more about what my visual impairment means for me and what I can actually see in order for my family to help me more by understanding on a deeper level what I struggle with and how technology can help us do that . A few weeks before this trip I had found an incredibly moving article written by STV News at Six presenter and Scotland Tonight reporter Kelly-Ann Woodland . Kelly-Ann had decided to work on a report for Scotland Tonight about the dwindling numbers of trained Teachers of the Deaf in Scotland . Kelly-Ann spoke to both Megan and Tommy , who are both deaf , about the importance of the support given to deaf children by their Teachers of the Deaf , but it goes deeper than just an issue that Kelly-Ann wanted to highlight . It ' s personal for Kelly-Ann . Kelly-Ann has two incredible children , Mikey , and Daniel , who she says are her “ absolute world .” Kelly-Ann ' s youngest son Daniel was born deaf . Kelly-Ann ' s article took a deep dive into what that diagnosis was like and what those early days were like . As someone who has an invisible disability , I saw myself and my story in Kelly-Ann ' s words . So , after sharing this with my gran , she encouraged me to share my story with Kelly-Ann because as she said , “ You have a passion so what is there to lose .” I spent a few hours after this conversation composing
an email which I did send to Kelly-Ann . My parents and I thought we ’ d be waiting for a response , ( if we got one at all ) for quite some time , but within two days of sending that one email , I had a response in my inbox which absolutely blew me away . I told Kelly-Ann about my want to become a journalist in the future and Kelly- Ann , showing her heart of gold already , invited me to meet with her and to take a tour with her around the Glasgow Studio and Newsroom , the studio you see on TV every weekday ! I was blown away by Kelly-Ann ' s kindness and generosity , to give up her time , while balancing a long commute each day from the West of Scotland to the East of Scotland and being a mum to her two children , to meet with my parents and I and show us how a show like the STV News at Six comes to life . So , on Wednesday 25th October , off we went ! The morning of my visit my nerves and excitement was crazy . I couldn ’ t wait to firstly meet Kelly-Ann but also learn more about what truly does happen behind the scenes . We walked into the STV building and signed in at reception , and then were shown to the waiting area . We must have only been waiting a matter of very anxious , excited minutes before a smiling Kelly-Ann came in to greet us . She introduced herself to each of us in turn . I felt immediately at ease because of Kelly-Ann ’ s warmth and her obvious enthusiasm . All my nerves , that had been building over the week before the visit completely melted away because of how lovely she was even just while introducing herself to us . Then we went into the newsroom , which was an