December 2024 ASCE Newsletter | Page 7

1 . A and B cross ( 2 minutes ) 2 . A returns ( 1 minute ) 3 . C and D cross ( 10 minutes ) Total Time : 17 minutes 4 . B returns ( 2 minutes ) 5 . A and B cross ( 2 minutes )
Correct Answers Submitted By : Jeff Loyd , PE , WSP Erich Alder , Nobis Cameron Stuart , PE , Verdantas Darren Benoit , Michael Baker International Nate Miller , AICP , So . NH Planning Comm .


Light Bulbs are not all light .

You have 8 identical-looking light bulbs , but one is slightly heavier than the others . Using a balance scale , how can you identify the heavier bulb in just 2 weighings ?
Please send your answers to Thomas Selling via e-mail : thomasselling @ me . com Correct responses will be recognized in the future issues of the New Hampshire Civil Engineer

1 . A and B cross ( 2 minutes ) 2 . A returns ( 1 minute ) 3 . C and D cross ( 10 minutes ) Total Time : 17 minutes 4 . B returns ( 2 minutes ) 5 . A and B cross ( 2 minutes )

Correct Answers Submitted By : Jeff Loyd , PE , WSP Erich Alder , Nobis Cameron Stuart , PE , Verdantas Darren Benoit , Michael Baker International Nate Miller , AICP , So . NH Planning Comm .