William Gervais
Hello everyone ! my name is Will Gervais , and I am currently a senior at the University of New Hampshire pursuing a bachelor ’ s degree in civil engineering . This semester I started attending UNH ASCE Chapter meetings and really fell in love with the program . In September , I volunteered for the NH ASCE Golf Tournament and was able to meet a huge number of professionals in the field . I was able to gain knowledge and other insights about how the different civil engineering fields work .
In my past I have interned for SPS NE , a construction company based in Salisbury MA , and E . T . & L . Corp ., another Construction company based in Stow MA . In my free time I like to golf with friends , ski during my winter weekends , and go cliff jumping in the summer ! My area of interests include site design and construction .
Become a professional engineer Jump Klondike cliff ( 50 feet tall !) Visit Mont Saint Michel in Normandy , France Get a hole in one Ski in Europe