We are ecstatic to receive new band uniforms for our musicians . A special thank you to our music department and the JFK Building Committee for your vision and support .
As our students prepare to display their talents , we ask that you take a look at
JFK ’ s school calendar as we have listed all of our performance dates and times .
We are excited to launch our annual PJ Day fundraiser . Through our district-wide efforts , we have been very successful in raising funds to help support Connecticut Children ’ s Hospital . Please ensure pajamas are appropriate for school – we anticipate that our student body will show up with a great deal of spirit . If you like to make a direct donation here is Enfield ’ s PTO PJ page :
PJ Donation .
Path to the Next Generation Brick Fundraiser is coming to a close on Friday , December 31 . We highly encourage you to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime fundraiser . You will be able to forever memorialize or recognize those who have impacted your life . Please take some time to review the criteria and submit your order .