12 - December - 2024 www . wsca . org WSCA Digital Spotlight
WSCA General Meeting Minutes
class and a western pleasure class , if they brought 2 different horses . If this rule doesn ’ t pass , 1 horse may not be able to show in Ranch Pleasure and Western Pleasure , even if each event had a different rider . Cindy Ladd again shared her reasons against this rule petition . Emily Berger ( Jus ’ Kiddin ’ Around Saddle Club ) stated why wouldn ’ t we pass this rule petition if it meant we would be allowing saddle clubs to make the most out of their shows by allowing exhibitors to cross enter into Ranch classes , if we already allow English horses to cross enter into Western Classes . Sara Schwartz stated she agrees with what Emily said . Sandy Strube ( Scattered About Saddle Club ) expressed concern of adding more classes means more awards to purchase and expense . James Duenow called for order and reminded everyone that we need to respect each other ’ s opinions .
Motion was made by Steve Bobzin ( Hidden Birch Saddle Club ), seconded by Julie Gintner ( Minnesota Valley Riders ) to limit further discussion to 3 minutes . Motion carried .
Lynne Jensen-Nelson ( Prairie Wind Riders ) shared that she sees this as a way for their club to draw in more entries , especially in pleasure . Lynn-Ellen St . Martin ( Crow River Riders ) asked the general delegation to look at what types of entries you hope to draw in and vote on what is right for your saddle clubs . Ann Goebel ( Northern Lights Ranch Versatility ) stated that neither Ranch or Pleasure will be successful if we are not judging Ranch horse to a Ranch horse standard and Western Pleasure horse to Western Pleasure standard . Sara Schwartz shared that their will be general information posted about ranch classes in the rulebook . The three-minute timer was called by President James Duenow .
President James Duenow asked that voting delegates write their “ yes ” or “ no ” on their salmon-colored ballot . Ballots were taken and this rule petition did not meet the two-thirds majority required to pass .
Drills and Squares : Marlys Mooney Nothing to report at this time .
Futurity : Josh Tjosaas Absent . A big thank you to Josh and his team for his work on the futurity classes . We had good numbers .
Historian : Tim Wampfler Excited for the banquet tonight , its been at least 25 years since the last WSCA banquet .
Judges : Lynn-Ellen St . Martin
The board approved an expedited judges application procedure for judges currently holding other association cards . The hope is that this will help add to our pool of judges . The board approved judge applicant Kelly Dobravra to move forward and begin her probationary judging . The judges committee is working on topics for the 2025 judges seminar .
Marketing & Promotions : Rachel Duenow
Sponsorships for 2024 Champ show went great , with over $ 25,000 in sponsorships and about $ 7000 from vendors . The exhibitor bag was again popular and appreciated . Facebook and social media continue to be great tool to communicate to our members . We currently have about 5,800 followers on our Facebook page . Please continue to share and like our page and posts . The WSCA Spotlight and On Deck site continue to play key roles in communicating to our members . The Champ show edition of the spotlight had over 200,000 page views and over 2,000 readers . This is a great benefit to our sponsors as well as our exhibitors . We have a new contact with Herald Journal , her name is Sara , so please reach out to her to submit your showbills by emailing wsca @ heraldjournal . com .
Procedures : Sandy Strube Nothing to report at this time .