WSCA Digital Spotlight www . wsca . org 2024 - December - 11
WSCA General Meeting Minutes
walk / trot class would not make them eligible to participate in egg and spoon classes . James Duenow replied by stating that as of now , you are still able to show a walk / trot class and still show in any games class . There was a question on whether or not you would be able to show in a walk / trot English class and also show in a walk / jog / lope western class . Steve replied by stating you would not be able to with the same horse . Steve Bobzin reiterated that the rule is not being changed , just clarifying the current rule . There was further discussion on walk / trot and egg and spoon classes at Champ show . Except for being run at Champ show , egg and spoon is considered a games class .
President James Duenow called for a vote by raising a card . Majority of votes were those in favor of . Petition passed .
Sara Schwartz ( Le Sueur Saddle Club ) presented 5 rule petitions pertaining to Ranch Classes .
Adding new class-Ranch Riding . The rule petition as presented included the purpose , class requirements , and suggested patterns for the class . There was question on if one of the patterns included was not set to the specifications shown , does that make it a non-qualifying round . Sara replied by reading item 7 under class requirements . Item 7 reads that one of the suggested patterns may be used ; however , a judge may utilize a different pattern as long as all required maneuvers and the three ( or more ) optional maneuvers are included . There was a question on whether there would be specification requiring the ground poles to be white or left unpainted . Sara replied by saying that there currently are no requirements , but if there ever was one , it would probably be that the ground poles be left “ natural ” or unpainted .
President James Duenow called for a vote by raising a card . Majority of votes were those in favor of . Petition passed .
Adding new class-Ranch Rail Pleasure . The rule petition as presented included general idea of the class and class procedure .
President James Duenow called for a vote by raising a card . Majority of votes were those in favor of . Petition passed .
Adding new class-Ranch Horse Conformation . The rule petition as presented included the purpose and how the class will be done , and how inspection would be done . There was a question for clarification on item B , asking if this class would have to be held at the end of the show . Sara replied by saying yes , as stated , you would run this class after you ran your other Ranch classes . One aspect of this class is that this is for the working horse .
President James Duenow called for a vote by raising a card . Majority of votes were those in favor of , noting 9 voting opposed . Petition passed .
Adding new class-Ranch Trail . The rule petition includes a general description , penalties , minimum and mandatory obstacles and maneuvers , a list of suggested obstacles as well as prohibited obstacles and finally scoring . There was a question on whether or not having less than the required six obstacles would make it a non-qualifying class . Sara replied by saying that as this rule petition is written , a minimum of six obstacles are required , even though right now , this class isn ’ t a qualifying class at champ show .
President James Duenow called for a vote by raising a card . Majority of votes were those in favor of , noting 2 voting opposed . Petition passed .
General rules : Defining new Ranch Classes . This rule petition is to add the following sentence to item 20 under General Rules ( page 26 ). The following are considered different events : Western Pleasure and Ranch Rail Pleasure , Western Horsemanship and Ranch Riding , Trail and Ranch Trail , Halter and Ranch Horse Conformation . Cindy Ladd ( Over Easy Riders ) referred to this petition as cross-over and shared that she is against this rule petition because passing this petition would mean going through and changing several other rules so that the wording matches . James Duenow reminded Cindy and everyone that we are reviewing and voting on this current rule petition as written . Lynn-Ellen St . Martin clarified that when Cindy was referring to cross-over , she means crossentry ( entry between different types of classes ). This rule petition would be allowing Ranch Rail horses , to also show in the Western Pleasure classes . Likewise , it would mean that Ranch Riding horses would also be allowed to compete in Western Horsemanship classes . Lynn-Ellen shared that when WSCA first looked at bringing in the Ranch classes , the hope was to attract new riders and bring more opportunities for Saddle clubs to gain new competitors . Lynn-Ellen shared that as a judge , what she is looking for in a Ranch horse is very different than that of a horse in a Western Pleasure class . From her perspective , this rule may discourage some ranch riders from entering Ranch classes if we open them up to western pleasure horses and visa versa , as well as “ muddy the water ” of the quality of the class . It was clarified that if this rule doesn ’ t pass , an exhibitor may still show in both a ranch