Death: Before, During & After... Death: Before, During & After.. | Page 38

26 Death
Dadashri : It is the ego that fears death , not the Soul . It is the ego that has the fear of ‘ I am going to die , I am going to die ’.
Death From The View Of The Enlightened Lord
What is God ’ s vision about death ? In God ’ s vision , no one ever dies . If God were to give you this vision , some day , then no number of deaths would affect you in this world . This is because of this right vision ( Gnan ).
From Death To Immortality
Sooner or later , you will have to resolve the issues behind life and death . In reality one does not die nor does one live . This is all just a mistake in one ’ s belief . He believes that he is living , a mortal ( jiva ), but in reality , he is immortal ( Shiva ).
Questioner : This world would not function if everyone had this understanding !
Dadashri : Yes , it would not ! But then , this is not something that everyone would understand . This entire world is a puzzle . It is very mysterious . It is because this deep mystery has not been understood , that this world is in such a state of chaos .
Who Is Born , Who Dies ?
The Soul does not take birth nor does it die . The Soul is a permanent entity . This phenomenon of taking birth and dying is of the ego . It is the ego that is born and it is the ego that dies . In reality the Soul does not die at all .