Death: Before, During & After... Death: Before, During & After.. | Page 37
completely still. This is eternal bliss. Even problems created by
external forces on his body (upaadhi) have no effect on him. Is
the body not full of problems?
Questioner: Yes.
Dadashri: It is full of not only physical but also mental
ailments. Neither physical nor mental suffering touches the Gnani
or the Self-realized one. The non-self-realized person will invite
mental suffering even when it is not there. Samadhi death means
there is a constant awareness of, ‘I am the pure Soul (Shuddhatma).’
So many of our mahatmas who have passed away, did so with
the awareness of being the pure Soul.
Where Will He Go After Death?
Questioner: At the time of death, is it possible for us to
know whether the departed soul has acquired a higher life form?
Dadashri: If the dying old man says, ‘Alas I could not get
my fourth daughter married’; he will bind a life in the lower life
form. If a person has anxieties and worries about his family in the
final moments of his death, we should realize that he is bound for
a lower life form. This is all invited misery. But if his awareness is
fixed on the Soul, he goes to a higher life form.
Questioner: But what if he remains unconscious for a few
Dadashri: Even if he is unconscious, if he remains in Gnan
(the awareness of the knowledge of the Self), then there is no
problem. It does not matter if he is unconscious, as long as he has
taken Gnan.
Fear of Death
Questioner: Why do people fear death?