Dealing with Body Image Dealing with body image mostly aimed at teens | Page 3

Positive Body Image

Positive Body IMg

e positive about your body and that's what makes you feel comfortable about your body. Learn to love not to hate. Think how much your body can do and how it takes you one step closer to our goal every day. Your body can dance, swim, eat, play, etc. Be honoured of what you have. We all look different and that symbolises our uniqueness. Imagine everyone being the same, the world would be so boring!


Steps to maintain positive body Image:

*Learn to like and respect your body in its natural form

*Improve your natural health rather than body shape

*Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable

*Work with your body not against it

*If you appreciate your body image you will feel confident and you will carry yourself with pride and that will make you attractive

*Remember that fit and healthy people come in different shapes and size and don’t believe too strongly in diets

*Don't compare your flexibility, shape, size and other factors with others

*You will always get benefit from exercise and it leads to a healthier life

*See yourself the way you want others to you

*Surround yourself with positive and supportive people that appreciates natural body image