De-Stress With These 7 Tips Today De-Stress With These 7 Tips Today | Page 3

 No procrastination: Procrastination is stressful as it ultimately becomes a habit after a specific time. A person must try to finish the work assigned as early as possible as it becomes a bad habit to keep postponing it and the thought of finishing work the next day is often depressing.  Journalize: The experts emphasize upon keeping a journal. They suggest jotting down the stressful activities in a notebook or a dairy, helps in keeping reminiscing your experiences, process your activities, keeping what is required and letting go of what it ought to be forgotten. Writing a journal is an easy task and requires only a few minutes but has a long-lasting impact as it induces sleep and fights depression.  Visualizing a peaceful place: In times of extreme tiredness, it is suggested to use the technique of guided imagery that is visualizing a calm and peaceful place. This technique helps in the reduction of anxiety, stress, blood pressure, boosts sleep and immunity. The good news is that the stress is manageable. It can be catered with some patience and care strategies. However, the Advanced Orthomolecular Research has curated Advanced B Complex Ultra which comes with various health benefits that may not be visible consuming the standard B complex formulas. These health supplements are highly beneficial for your health and improve in the management of your stress levels largely. AOR.CA