De-Stress With These 7 Tips Today De-Stress With These 7 Tips Today | Page 2

De-Stress With These 7 Tips Today You have been undergoing a stressful time and it has been affecting both your physical and mental well- being. Despite suffering the adverse effects on your health, you often deny admitting it as a mental disorder. A stressful life can lead to lessening your efficiency and could hinder you from living a healthier and a happier life. Hectic schedules and increasing responsibilities could boost stress levels and there arises an urgent need to alleviate stress in order to remain healthy. While some suggest a day in the spa or beach vacation could de-stress a person but these ways may not always be feasible. Here are seven ways in which one can de-stress themselves while at home without digging a big hand into their pockets:  Meditate: Meditation is perceived as a powerful antidote for de-stressing oneself. It helps in cleansing your mind against all the negative thoughts and energies by releasing stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, even more increasing neurotransmitters associated with calmness and well-being. Meditation is a sure short practice of improving your overall health and rejuvenates your mood immediately. The experts suggest that regular meditating provides not only the physical health benefits but also has proven that the meditators experience more happiness and decreased anxiety.  Breathe: Incorporating deep breathing in your daily regime can help in the cultivation of calmness and balance in your body. Deep breathing helps in the regulation of blood pressure and controls the heart rate, at the same time reducing stress and anxiety.  Walk: The best way of dissipating the energy in your body is through regular movement. The body releases neurotransmitters when a person walks briskly and involves in other forms of exercise, which helps in improving mood due to the increased blood circulation in the brain.  Sleep: The experts in medicine and human well-being confirm the importance of a regular and restful sleep as it helps in combating the negative effects of stress. It increases the well-being, mind, the body system is restored, better regulation of an emotions, reduction in pain, better immunity and other immense benefits. If a person lacks restful sleep, it can lead to depression, anxiety, stress and pain as the neurological activities of the brain are disrupted. AOR.CA