De La Warr Pavilion Summer Family Leaflet | Page 3




TIME BUSTERS - The Musical ! Mon 5 - Fri 9 Aug , 10am - 4pm
£ 100- can be paid in two instalments . Don ' t miss this exciting chance to take part and work with a professional team to create Time Busters , a roller-coaster of a musical to be performed for friends and family on the final day . If you want to make new friends and love singing , acting and dancing this week is for you ! Ages : 10-15 yrs
DLWP Film Club Mon 12 - Fri 16 Aug , 10am - 4pm
£ 110 – can be paid in two instalments . This year Film Club will be exploring comedy , drama and adventure movies . If you have an interest in any aspect of film-making in front or behind the camera then this is a great opportunity to get hands on experience and screen your
films at the De La Warr on the big screen under the guidance of award winning film-maker Nick Pilton . No experience necessary . Age 13-18 yrs
Big Art Club Young Photographers Tues 27 - Thurs 29 Aug , 10am - 4pm
£ 70 With photographer Alex Brattell , learn how to get the best from your camera or camera phone . Experiment with light painting and methods of combining images , and create a small , improvised darkroom for pinhole photography and photograms . Using Photoshop you can find out how to manipulate photos or use traditional art materials to produce original and striking images .
This is a practical course using a range of photographic techniques . Bring your own camera if possible , although not essential . Ages : 8-12 yrs


Mondays :
10.30am & 11.30am - Free 8 July with Rosemary Harris �������������������������� 9 Sept with Ed Boxall
Come along and have fun with one of our great artists listening to stories , singing , dancing and creative activities . Places are limited so please come early , but don ' t worry if you are late- you can grab a coffee , and one of our famous flapjacks or cakes and join the second session instead .
Recommended age 2-5 yrs . Must be accompanied by an adult .
Booking and Information : 01424 229111 or www . dlwp . com