At everything they are and everything they do is channelled into helping people
affected by drug and alcohol problems to make positive changes in their lives. Grace House is
’s female-only residential service providing drug and alcohol free support for
women with substance misuse problems and complex needs, including domestic violence,
offending behaviour, sexual exploitation, homelessness and eating disorders. Amy’s story is typical
of the opportunities offerered at Grace House
‘It has been life-changing.
I have been given the chance
to build the future I deserve’
These are the words of Amy Munford, 27,
after she spent nine months at Grace
House, Foundation66’s all-female rehab
in Camden, North London.
Amy had been a heavy drinker and
had suffered from an eating disorder
since her teenage years, which became
progressively worse through her time at
university and into employment. Getting
into an abusive relation ship and
surrounding herself with people who
aided her addiction made matters worse
and it wasn’t long before Amy had
deteriorated to the point where she was
just surviving on drinking all day – her
friends had deserted her and her family
had no idea what more they could do.
With her health suffering to the point
where she was unable to walk, Amy was
referred by Westminster Drug and
Alcohol Project to Grace House, where an
all-female team provides friendly support
to women with substance misuse
problems and complex needs, including
domestic violence, offending behaviour,
sexual exploitation, homelessness and
eating disorders.
Amy moved into the house, where she
was assessed and given a personalised
treatment and counselling programme
that gradually helped her turn her life
around. Looking back on her time there,
Amy reflects: ‘It was a wonderful
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community to recover in. I had enough
freedom to grow and rebuild as a person
and was able to input into my own
recovery. Thanks to Grace House, I now
have my health back, have been able to
re-connect with my family and have built
lasting friendships.’
Since leaving Grace House, Amy now
has her own flat, at ‘Amy’s Place’
(provided through the Amy Winehouse
Foundation), is attending college and
continues to have treatment for her
eating disorder. She is now looking
positively to the future, with plans to
study further, move in to her own
property and start a new career.
‘Amy’s story shows how the
philosophy behind Grace House really
works.’ says Bea Wheeler, Foundation66’s
Locality Manager, ‘A stable home is the
basis for a successful and sustained
recovery and Grace House provides
women, like Amy, with the time, space
and support to address their substance
misuse and complex needs, to help them
take the next step to a brighter future.’
If you would like further details on the
Grace House service, either to refer, or self-refer,
then please call on 020 7916 5013 or email
[email protected]
December 2016
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