DDN November 2023 DDN_November_2023 | Page 10



A new pilot programme run by The Forward Trust is supporting families affected by gambling addiction in Merseyside

M-PACT Gambling is a 10-week programme available to families with children between the ages of eight and 17 . The scheme , which is free to attend and funded by GambleAware , operates from The Brink on Parr Street , a community drug and alcohol service – and the UK ’ s first dry bar ( DDN , Dec 2011 , p12 ).

‘ The programme will help children talk openly and safely about the effects of gambling , giving them a voice ,’ says
Andrew Greeney , family support therapy coordinator at The Forward Trust . ‘ We want to bring back that family unity and togetherness . Gambling addiction can be all-consuming , not just for those in active addiction themselves but also their loved ones , especially children . The family members often experience the ripple effect of addiction and need support themselves .’
In an effort to reach as many people as possible , M-PACT is also open to extended family members . ‘ If siblings , aunties and
uncles or grandparents want to come along too , they are more than welcome ,’ adds Liza McGee , M-PACT gambling facilitator .
Comprising both private and group sessions , the ten weekly meetings run from 4:30pm to 8:30pm and incorporate art therapy , role-play and continuous guidance . The programme covers travel expenses for participating families and offers them a home-cooked meal at each session – before ending on a high note with a night of bowling during the final meeting .
‘ Being able to provide families a sit-down meal at The Brink , some of whom may not have ever had a meal together , without the pressure and away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life is so important ,’ says David Humphreys , service manager at The Brink .
‘ While these sessions are focused on a serious subject , we hope that by providing a welcoming , safe environment we can really make those who take part feel comfortable and have a home away from home , even if it ’ s just for a few hours a week .’
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‘ You can ’ t recover if you ’ re dead ’ is a familiar adage in the substance use sector . But while helping someone with drug or alcohol issues , have you ever worried that preventable disease and an early death are still their most likely fate as they walk out the door and light up ?
Initially led by smokers seeking , and finding , something safer , the UK ’ s shift from cigarettes to safer nicotine products , mainly vapes , accelerated further
following government and NHS endorsement of vaping for smoking cessation . Youth uptake is a concern – however , the potential to help millions of adults quit is vast , and smoking rates have fallen to an historic low of 12.9 per cent . But this large-scale adoption of harm reduction – because that ’ s what it is – hasn ’ t reached everyone . Last year , 53 per cent of clients entering drug and alcohol treatment in England smoked ; just 4 per cent were referred for smoking cessation support . People in contact with
' The potential to help millions of adults quit is vast , and smoking rates have fallen to an historic low of 12.9 per cent .'
services stand to gain a huge amount from quitting smoking , and many want to . Safer products , whether vapes , nicotine pouches , snus or heated tobacco , can help smokers switch when quitting nicotine may not be achievable . If you ’ re interested in learning more , or you ’ re already delivering this kind of support , we invite you to apply to Knowledge∙Action∙Change ’ s tobacco harm reduction scholarship programme .
Open to people from any professional background , the
global programme is funded by a grant from the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World and aims to build research capacity and raise awareness of tobacco harm reduction ’ s implications for public health . Since 2018 , 95 people from 42 countries have been mentored to complete self-designed projects , while receiving a grounding in key issues . Scholars receive a stipend and funding to attend the Global Forum on Nicotine in Warsaw .
With 25 places on our entrylevel programme , the deadline for submissions is coming up soon on 30 November . We hope you ’ ll consider applying . David MacKintosh , K∙A∙C
For more about the programme see https :// thrsp . net /.
Take the short pre-application online course and quiz at the applications portal : https :// thrsp . net / scholarship-programme /
For more on tobacco harm reduction , visit the Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction https :// gsthr . org