DDN_July_August_2024 DDN July/August 2024 | Page 5

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Two million global alcohol-related deaths among men , says WHO

There are 2.6m alcoholrelated deaths a year globally , of which 2m are among men , according to a report from the World Health Organization ( WHO ). This meant that 4.7 per cent of all deaths were attributable to alcohol consumption , says the Global status report on alcohol and health and treatment of substance use disorders .

Deaths from psychoactive drug use totalled 0.6m annually , 0.4m of which were also among men . Around 400m people are living with alcohol and drug disorders globally , of which 209m are living with alcohol dependence .
The figures , which are from 2019 , were scheduled to be published two years ago but were delayed as a result of COVID , says WHO . Although there had been some reduction in the alcoholrelated death rate over the previous decade , the figures remained ‘ unacceptably high ’, with the highest numbers found in Europe and Africa . The European region ’ s alcohol-related death rate stood
THERE WERE 320 SUSPECTED DRUG DEATHS in Scotland in the first three months of this year , according to provisional figures from Police Scotland . The number is 8 per cent higher than the previous quarter and 7 per cent up on the same quarter in 2023 .
The quarterly figures are compiled from the reports of police officers attending scenes of death , and are ‘ not subject to the same level of validation and quality assurance ’ as the official annual statistics published by National Records of Scotland , which are based on information at 52.9 per 100,000 people , while Africa ’ s was 52.2 per 100,000 .
Of the deaths attributable to alcohol in 2019 , around 1.6m were from noncommunicable diseases – including 470,000 from cardiovascular disease and more than 400,000 from cancer .
‘ There is a complex relationship between substance use , alcoholand drug-related harms and socioeconomic status , and people with lower socioeconomic status are disproportionately affected by harms due to substance use ,’ the document states . ‘ The impact of alcohol , tobacco and psychoactive drug use on the health of the world ’ s population is unacceptably high by any metric , and for the working age population it exceeds the impact of any other risk factor .’
‘ Substance use severely harms individual health , increasing the risk of chronic diseases , mental health conditions , and tragically resulting in millions of preventable deaths every year ,’ said WHO director general Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus . ‘ To build a healthier , more equitable
from death certificates .
As in previous quarters , more than 60 per cent of deaths were of people aged between 35 and 54 . The number of deaths among females was down by 12 per cent on the same period last year , with men accounting for 73 per cent of suspected drug fatalities . The police division with the highest number of suspected drug deaths was Greater Glasgow at 71 , followed by Edinburgh City ( 32 ), North East and Renfrewshire & Inverclyde ( both 30 ).
There were 1,219 suspected drug deaths in the 12 months to
‘ To build a healthier , more equitable society , we must urgently commit to bold actions that reduce the negative health and social consequences of alcohol consumption .’
society , we must urgently commit to bold actions that reduce the negative health and social consequences of alcohol consumption and make treatment for substance use disorders accessible and affordable .’
Report at https :// www . who . int / publications / i / item / 9789240096745

Scottish drug deaths up again

March 2024 , 10 per cent up on the 12 months to March 2023 . ‘ Following a downward trend from early 2021 to late 2022 , the rolling 12-month total of suspected drug deaths has risen over the last year ,’ the Scottish Government states .
The last official set of figures – for 2022 – showed a decrease of more than 20 per cent on the previous year ( DDN , September 2023 , page 5 ), but while the 1,051 total was the lowest for five years , it was still almost four times higher than in 2000 . The official figures for 2023 are due to be published later this summer .

Local News

SAFE HARBOUR Lambeth-located drug and alcohol recovery centre The Harbour is celebrating its tenth anniversary . ‘ Based on at least 25 people coming here each day to meet key workers or work in recovery groups , we must have offered help to around 25,000 people ,’ says manager Dawn Brecken
WALK ON Glasgow will host this year ’ s Recovery Walk Scotland on Saturday 7 September . Last year ’ s event , in Greenock , saw more than 4,000 people take part . Full details and registration form at https :// ow . ly / Wty350RFkOR
EMOTIONAL IMPACT Staff at Liverpool-based YMCA Together have administered naloxone nearly 80 times in three years , the charity states . All staff are given comprehensive drug awareness and naloxone training , along with some residents . ‘ There have been several instances when residents have used naloxone to save their friends ' lives , and that ' s been really emotional for them ,’ says team leader Robbie Dreha .