Six new nitazenes detected in ‘ rapidly evolving ’ European drug market
Six of the seven new synthetic opioids reported for the first time to the EU Early Warning System ( EWS ) last year were nitazenes , according to the EMCDDA ’ s European drug report 2024 – the highest number notified in a single year .
More than 80 new synthetic opioids have appeared in the European drug market since 2009 , the document states , with 16 nitazenes detected since 2016 . Nitazenes have been associated with a ‘ sharp rise ’ in deaths in Estonia and Latvia and localised poisoning outbreaks in France and Ireland , says EMCDDA . However , as nitazenes may not be detected in routine post-mortem toxicology tests in some countries the number of fatalities could be underestimated , the agency warns .
Outside the EU , nitazenes have been linked to overdoses in the UK , Australia and the US , which is still struggling with ‘ staggeringly high ’ numbers of drug-related deaths ( DDN , June , page 5 ). While synthetic opioids still play a relatively small role in Europe ’ s drug market compared to the US , they now ‘ feature prominently ’ in the Baltic countries , the report states .
There has so far been no ‘ strong signals of disrupted heroin flow ’ to the EU following the Taliban ’ s ban on opium production , it says , but serious concerns remain about potent synthetic opioids filling any potential gaps in the market . ‘ People who use drugs are now exposed to a wider range of psychoactive substances , often of high potency or purity , or in new forms , mixtures and
combinations ,’ EMCDDA states . By the end of 2023 the agency was monitoring more than 950 NPS , 26 of which were first reported that year .
Meanwhile , record quantities of cocaine have been seized in the EU for the sixth consecutive year , with seizures now exceeding those made in the US . The trafficking of large volumes of the drug into ports like Antwerp and Rotterdam remains a ‘ significant factor ’ in its high availability , the document says , with 111 tonnes seized in Belgium in 2022 , along with 58 tonnes in Spain and 51 in the Netherlands .
Traffickers are now also targeting smaller ports in countries like Norway and Sweden following increased levels of law enforcement activity in the main trafficking hubs . Cocaine is now the
Synthetic opioids still play a relatively small role in Europe ’ s drug market compared to the US , but now ‘ feature prominently ’ in the Baltic countries .
second most common drug reported in Europe by people entering treatment for the first time or presenting at hospital emergency departments , and is the continent ’ s most commonly consumed illicit stimulant – used by 4m European adults last year .
Report at https :// www . emcdda . europa . eu / publications / europeandrug-report / 2024 _ en
Humankind merges with Richmond Fellowship
HUMANKIND has completed its merger process with national mental health charity Richmond Fellowship , the organisations have announced . The move forms a new national charity to ‘ better support those with multiple / complex needs , including mental health , alcohol , drugs and other related areas ’.
A new board and group executive management team has been appointed from the leadership of the two organisations to lead the next phase of integration . The merger was first announced late last year , with the aim of building on the shared values and combined 100 yearsplus experience of the two charities .
Following the legal merging , a full launch will take place in October with a ‘ new name , identity , vision and strategy ’. The organisation – which will have around 3,200 employees and 500 volunteers – will deliver almost 250 services to nearly 30,000 people across a range of sectors .
‘ We can now look forward to working as one organisation , implementing our shared vision for the future , and starting the development of our longerterm strategy ,’ said chief executive Paul Townsley .
' We can now look forward to implementing our shared vision .'
Homeless plea
NEARLY 120 HOMELESSNESS AND MIGRANTS ’ RIGHTS ORGANISATIONS including Crisis , Shelter , St . Mungo ’ s and the Refugee Council have written to leaders of the Labour , Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties urging whoever forms the next government to address the issue of migrant homelessness .
‘ The main political parties have all made commitments to vastly reduce homelessness and rough sleeping ,’ said Homeless Link CEO Rick Henderson . ‘ But the elephant in the room is the way our immigration and asylum systems push people into homelessness and destitution .’ The government ’ s decision to change eviction processes for new refugees leaving asylum accommodation last year led to an almost 1,000 per cent increase in people sleeping rough in six months after their Home Office support was stopped , the letter states .