6 . Men of Destiny
Within three years of their release from prison , two out of three people experience rearrests , and 39 % are re-incarcerated . For these reasons , many states have revitalized prison programming into Therapeutic Communities ( TC ). Incorporating elements like peer mentorship and social navigation , a few studies have found that TCs show promise in improving the success rates of people reintegrating into society .
Drawing on the lived experiences of its participants , DCS is part of a large-scale effort to study a Georgia correctional TC , the ‘ Men of Destiny ’ program . Findings will shed light on the nuanced needs of persons reentering our communities after incarceration and spark conversations on the importance of rehabilitative programming during confinement .
Research Partners Ron Garret , Mettle Works Behavioral Health ; Christian Perrin , De Montfort University Dubai ; Vaughn Parham , University of Maryland ; Sherita Hall , PACTS CTO