Dialogue | Page 7


5 . Joint Supervision
Where the risk principle tells us who to treat , the need principle tells us what to treat . Criminogenic needs are those factors in a person ’ s life directly related to recidivism . However , there is often a service gap for supervision agencies around two of the most prevalent criminogenic needs : antisocial associates and a lack of prosocial support .
Furthermore , an internal analysis revealed that people labeled with gang affiliation experience worse supervision outcomes than those without a gang label . For instance , only 9 % of the DCS population is a known gang associate , but they comprise 18 % of all revocations .
Therefore , DCS is seeking support to implement and evaluate a pilot project that stands up a joint mentor / officer caseload directed toward providing strengthsbased programming to ganginvolved young adults with the objectives of reducing recidivism , increasing prosocial support , and building trusting relationships between officers and the persons they supervise . The joint supervision model combines the skills of formerly incarcerated peer mentors with those of specially trained DCS officers .
Research Partners Bill Sabol , GSU ; Julius Campbell , Offender Alumni Association ; Dan Enger , Global Dialogues