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TIME 2 . Incentives
Reoffending is most likely during the first 10-18 months of supervision , and long supervision terms fail to deliver better results . Additionally , incentives are more effective than sanctions at improving outcomes . In fact , the most valued incentive among individuals is reduced supervision length . Two paths in which this occurs are Unsupervised Status and Early Termination .
Unsupervised Incentive : Receiving and Succeeding
Anyone who completes two years of a probation term without issue is eligible for the incentive of no longer reporting to an officer ( i . e ., Unsupervised Status ). Nevertheless , we know little about who receives this incentive or the success rate among those who do . This study aims to fill that gap .
Research Partners Bria Cross , Clark Atlanta University
Senate Bill 105 Evaluation
This project will evaluate Georgia ' s most recent probation reforms that aim to reduce the supervision population through early terminations . The research study examines three areas : ( a ) Implementation / Process , ( b ) Criminal Justice Outcomes , and ( c ) Organizational Impact .
Research Partners Chris Inkpen and Pamela Lattimore , RTI