Department of Community Supervion
Urban Institute Procedural Justice in Community Supervision The Urban Institute , in partnership with the American Probation and Parole Association , and the Center for Court Innovation ( CCI ), with support from Arnold Ventures , developed and piloted a new procedural justice training curriculum for probation officers . CCI staff delivered the pilot training to 41 DCS Community Supervision Officers . The primary goal of this undertaking was to determine if the training impacted officer-supervisee interactions and supervision outcomes . SB174 Policy Assessment Reviewing legislative interventions is a necessary aspect of our development as a Department . As such , DCS participated in the SB174 policy assessment research conducted by Urban Institute . The project consists of the Urban Institute assessing the impact of Behavioral Incentive Dates and Early termination for reducing probation sentence lengths .
The assessment also examines how these reforms have affected probation sentences imposed , preliminary outcomes for eligible people on probation , and how the reforms have been implemented .
Applied Research Solutions ( ARS ) and RTI Integrated Dynamic Risk Assessment for Community Supervision ( IDRACS ) In collaboration with RTI International and Applied Research Services Inc . ( ARS ), the goal of this project is to develop an artificial intelligence ( AI ) software tool termed IDRACS ( Integrated Dynamic Risk Assessment for Community Supervision ). IDRACS will incorporate dynamic risk factors and indicators to more effectively model the risk posed by individuals under community supervision and inform supervision strategies in real time .