Annual Report 2021 || External . Affairs @ dcs . ga . gov . com || www . dcs . ga . gov
Research Projects
In FY21 , the Strategic Planning & Research Division collaborated with eight ( 8 ) external research partners on multiple projects to expand knowledge about the adult felony community supervision population , as well as to identify areas for supervision enhancements . A brief overview of the collaborations and research projects are listed below :
Council of State Government ( CSG ) Mental Health Caseload Study In partnership with the Council of State Governments ( CSG ), this project aims to conduct an in-depth analysis of DCS caseloads with particular focus on specialized mental health caseloads to ( 1 ) Evaluate responses to violations ( 2 ) Calculate overall supervision outcomes and ( 3 ) Assess DCS ' s fidelity to the specialized program design .
Criminal Justice Coordinating Council ( CJCC ), Council of Accountability Court Judges ( CACJ ), and Georgia State University ( GSU ) Swift , Certain , & Fair ( SCF ) Sanctions This is a collaborative effort with the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council ( CJCC ), Council of Accountability Court Judges ( CACJ ), and Georgia State University ( GSU ) to develop a program that leverages existing state accountability courts to provide probation officers with an alternative avenue for implementing swift and certain sanctions for probationers at risk of revocation who have substance use disorders or chronic mental illness . The project scope includes : ( 1 ) Provide data to identify up to six pilot sites , ( 2 ) Identify population , ( 3 ) Hire Program Manager , ( 4 )
Develop policies and guidance for officers to refer offenders to accountability courts , ( 4 ) Train pilot staff , ( 5 ) Implement program , ( 6 ) Refer 30 participants per pilot site by 1st yr . 4th qtr ., and ( 7 ) Refer 30 participants per pilot site in years 2 and 3
Justice Reinvestment Initiative Data Repository DCS has been asked to be a leading participant in the multi-agency ' Justice Reinvestment Initiative ' data repository hosted by the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council ( CJCC ).
National Institute of Corrections ( NIC ) Community Corrections Report Card ( CCRC ) This project , funded by the National Institute of Corrections , will validate a standardized community corrections report card or audit tool for eventual public domain use . The review will include a DCS self-audit as well as an external audit conducted by the research partner . The validation will include a comparison between self and external audits and these will be compared to various outcome data using rates provided for the previous calendar year .