DCS seeks to be a leader in the transformation of community supervision in Georgia and the nation. To that end, we
actively support the professional associations and educational forums that enable us to exchange knowledge with a
global community of criminal justice practitioners.
Most importantly, the success of our work is dependent on the support, trust, and engagement of the communities
we serve. In 2017, the DCS family selflessly served above and beyond daily work responsibilities by participating in
community service and charitable giving projects, thousands of hours of volunteer service, and ongoing involvement
with the schools, legislators, and civic institutions of communities across Georgia.
DCS invests in the next generation of criminal justice
professionals. In partnership with Kennesaw State
University, we initiated an intensive training program
to streamline future community supervision officers’
ability to gain P.O.S.T. certification while fulfilling their
academic requirements.
A ride-along is an opportunity for a first-hand glimpse
into the dynamic nature of community supervision.
DCS invites elected officials, judges, sheriffs, district
attorneys, and other members of the criminal justice
community to accompany a DCS officer on their daily
duties. By joining a certified officer in the field, ride-
along participants are able to observe the day-to-day
realities of community supervision work.
“Every new judge like myself should attend
one… Seeing firsthand the challenges of a
night in the work life of a CSO will help in my
decision making process as a judge.”
-Superior Court Judge Clayton Tomlinson describing his DCS
ride-along experience.
Georgia Department of Community Supervision