“We see tremendous success
in Georgia thanks to criminal
justice reform. DCS is thankful
for the vision of Governor Nathan
Deal , the work of the Criminal
Justice Reform Council, and the
Georgia General Assembly.
This year’s recommendations
will significantly impact
our ability to reduce officer
- Scott Maurer, DCS Assistant Commissioner
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augue, interdum eu ultricies vitae, a Inter-
dum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum in
enim vel nisl dignissim egestas.
1 in 13 adults are on felony probation in Georgia. This is double the rate
in Texas and four times the rate in North Carolina. Research shows that
Georgia’s probation sentences are comparatively lengthy, ranging from
five to seven-and-a-half years.
How does SB 174 help address this?
It will reduce recidivism by ensuring that high-risk individuals on
probation receive resources in the first two to three years of their
probation sentence, when they are most likely to reoffend.
How will DCS implement SB 174 ?
Implement a notification system to alert officers when offenders are SB 174
SB 174
Ensures the sustained success of Georgia’s
accountability courts and enhances the state’s
probation system so that resources are focused
at the front-end of supervision—when chances of
recidivism are statistically greatest.
SB 175
Aims to reduce juvenile delinquency and
protect public safety when a juvenile is deemed
incompetent to proceed in the judicial process.
It also includes new resources to encourage
parental involvement.
Automate the referral process to ensure supervised individuals receive
timely access to services
Prioritize restitution payments to preserve victims’ rights
In an effort to reduce unnecessarily lengthy sentences and align
Georgia’s supervision practices with national best practices, SB 174
permits DCS to file a petition to the court for early termination of
probation sentences after a person serves three years on supervision, if
the following conditions apply:
Individual under supervision is compliant with special conditions of
probation and has no new arrests
Any ordered restitution is paid in full
SB 176
The individual is sentenced to a non-violent property or drug offense
Includes provisions to require that individuals are
notified by mail prior to the issuance of a bench
warrant for failure to appear for a non-serious
traffic offense.
2017 Annual Report