DCISFF_2020program_web | Page 11

saturDAY , OCTOBER 3 , 7:30 pm
Don ’ t Buy Milk Julian Gallese , Costa Rica , 4m Portrait of a small dairy town
Forêt noire Jean-Marc E . Roy , Philippe David Gagné , Quebec , 21m A judge orders the re-enactment of a crime scene in order to shed some light on inconsistencies in a murder case . Under the eye of Lady Justice , the accused , a family of three women from Quebec , have to thoroughly relive the day of the crime .
The Provider Jayden Soroka , Yukon , 9m “ The Provider ” brings to life the experience of a man ’ s first hunt at the age of thirty three , eighteen years later than tradition holds , an event that would define his place in his community and open his eyes to where he belongs .