saturDAY , OCTOBER 3 , 7:30 pm
Northern Spring Signature Color Collection Chris McNutt , Yukon , 2m Check out what the " new " colours are .
FACE / TIME Anita Lebeau , Manitoba , 3m A study of the cyclical nature of time , as seen through portraits and the hands that create them .
Ruth Moll , 1 Clivia Place , 57 Sweetwaters Road Gabriel Bullen , Yukon , 3m A day in the life of Ruth Moll .
Skies Are Not Just Blue Lysandre Cosse-Tremblay , Quebec , 25m While travelling between Toronto , Ottawa and Montreal , the road leads us to Yara , Monib , Tariq and A . who claim their identities as Muslims from diverse backgrounds by negotiating a space in the LGBTQ + community and reflecting on their personal beliefs and experiences .