DAWN DawnMagazineUK Issue 1 | Page 4

HEARTBREAK HOTEL The UK’s biggest and oldest Gin Fes- tival has returned and is celebrating the nation’s love of gin all summer long, bring- ing over 100 of the world’s finest gins to cities and towns all around the country. To find your nearest event, head to www.ginfestival.com. Divorce and Break-up coach Sara Davison has started up the UK's first Break-up Recovery Retreat, designed to get your life back on track following a divorce or break-up. The workshop will run on the 17th and 18th of June and costs £599. Book at www.saradavison.com FOR THE LOVE OF GIN THE YEAR THE WORM TURNS CAFE AU LAUGH Marks and Spencer and comedian Ruby Wax will be launching Frazzled Cafes at three M&S cafes at a number of locations across England. The meetings will take place after hours and customers will be able to drop in to de-stress and share their stories "in a safe, anonymous and non-judgmental environment." for THE KIDS The minions return! Despicable Me is back with a 3rd movie on June 30 2017, so we know what we'll be watching this month. 3 • Dawn Magazine • Issue 01 Cricket is the revolutionary new protein source that can 'save the world', emitting 80 times less CO2 and using 10 times less water. The insects are high in protein, iron and vitamin B12. Why not try it? Check out www.gathrfoods.com for cricket protein bars and flour. CALLING ALL PASSION PURSUERS! London’s newest meet-up is bringing together likeminded women to share advice on found- ing businesses, exercising new ideas and discussing career goals. Join the next Passion Pur- suers meet up in London this summer. Visit www.meetup.com for more info. for YOU Coffee, because adulting is hard. Scrap that screech- ing alarm sound, The Barisieur Alarm Clock wakes you up to the sweet smell of freshly brewed coffee every single morning. Pricey? Yes, but definitely something to put on your wish list. £230 at Indiegogo. for EVERYONE The hula hoop is a small but overlooked family investment that always pays off. The cheap and portable hoop firms your abs, boosts your confidence and lifts the whole family’s mood – just try and keep a straight face when you’re all waggling your hips like Ricky Martin.