DAWN DawnMagazineUK Issue 1 | Page 23

SASSY THOUGHTS The average four year-old child asks over 12% of adults have had sex at work. 400 questions a day. 57% of women orgasm while having sex with a partner. Average Briton spends You can't say happiness £50,000 on alcohol over course of lifetime without saying penis . (You're welcome.) It only takes up to minutes to decide whether you like someone or not 4 The average UK woman owns 19 Falling In Love Has Neurological Effects Similar To Those Of Cocaine Gay men have bigger penises than straight men. Although straight men tend to be bigger d*cks. pairs of shoes You're more likely to become the President The word family derives from the Latin ‘famulus’, meaning ‘A SERVANT’. than you are to win the lottery. FOLLOW DAWN @dawnmagazine_uk @dawnmagazineuk @dawnmagazineuk Issue 01 • Dawn Magazine • 22