But now reunited with her love, Vinhas could only hope that she
would soon be smiling again. She describes how learning a new
language was one of the biggest challenges, and that a day did not
go by where she didn’t confuse English words with French words.
“My whole life I was accustomed to speaking a Latin language.
Never in a million years did I imagine that I would have to learn
a completely different language. It was crazy. For a long time, the
only thing that I could manage to mutter was ‘What?’… That ex-
pression got me out of so many weird and wonderful situations.”
But she never allowed the language to become a barrier to her
ambitions. She tells us how she managed to turn her weaknesses
into strengths and make the most out of the situation to re-invent
herself and her career. “My first job in London was as a house-
keeper in a hotel - it required no communication and I felt like I
wasn’t really pushing myself of using my full capability.”
“I do miss the people I have left behind - especially my family
and close friends, but right here, I am close to my soul mate and
that is something that I am not willing to give up just yet. Many
people would think that after so many years apart, perhaps the
affection would have cooled down, but it was the total opposite.
The homesickness made everything so much more… exciting.
At the moment, it just doesn’t make any sense to me. London is
amazing. And I’m here to stay.” •
Don’t stay at home; find a job
that will make you feel ac-
complished and help you with
the transition between the two
Convinced that she wanted more out of her life abroad, she
began studying English whenever she could. On the train, on
the bus, at work or at home. She managed to turn London into
her private classroom. “I would religiously read the newspaper
every day. I would ask my daughter to help me translate docu-
ments. Everything helped to better my English. And that is when
I decided it would be a good career move to become a sandwich
maker - and that has allowed me to become who I am today; a
sous-chef. London has allowed me to find my true passion. My
calling. I finally feel as if I belong somewhere. It is true what they
say: London truly is a land of opportunities.”
Although she hasn’t completely discarded the possibility of ever
moving back to Portugal, Vinhas explains that moving again
would have a lot of complications, especially since the standard of
life she has grown accustomed to would decrease considerably.
Join a language class and read
the newspaper regularly - that
way you can learn the country’s language and never miss
out on opp ortunities to achieve your full potential.
Attend social events near you to meet new people and
branch out of your comfort zone; that way you don’t have
to rely on your significant other to make new friends.
Shop in stores from your country of origin to get a sense of
belonging in the new country.
Get to know your new country’s culture and way of life to
avoid feeling like an outsider.
words by: ANA MARTINS
Issue 01 • Dawn Magazine • 12