Love is risk. It is vulnerability and emotional
nakedness. We would much rather extend nice
deeds than our hearts.
of love that the world has ever seen. Our
kindness should jolt people’s hearts awake
to the sense of belonging and intimacy
that their souls were shaped for. The love
we extend should introduce them to Jesus.
It should never look like a to-do list, but
rather the outpouring of Love Himself.
Everything in us wants to be that kind of
woman. But we struggle, don’t we?
Several years ago I read the testimony of a
Christian lady that helped me understand
This woman wrote that she loved her
husband very much and went to
extravagant lengths to show him. She
would cook fabulous meals and always try
to look just right when he came home from
work or when they woke up in the morning.
She would exhaust herself creating the
perfect atmosphere for romance and feel
stressed when something was out of place.
It was all an effort to let him know how
important he was to her—which is very
beautiful in a way. But one night, the wife
had an awakening: she had prepared a