Dreams than mine or anyone else’s. And
I’d rather live with you holding the Box…
because I don’t do too well with Boxes, or
{February 2014}
God gave me this picture of how I held my
dreams over 5 years ago when I was 27
years old and single, in the middle of a
time of intense ministry to women in the red
light district of Chiang Mai, Thailand. I felt
called to this ministry, but after this
surrender I wondered if even that was from
God. It woke me up to the way I was
holding onto the desires of my life. And
then the emptiness came. If I had just
given back all of my dreams to him, could I
trust Him to give any of them back to me?
He did. As they came they came clearly
and with precision, so I couldn’t miss them.
This was from me, and this one too, He told
me. And He gave my heart permission to
dream again.
Sometimes we just need to hear from God.
Are my desires His desires for my life? Oh
Jesus, wake up my heart to long for your
desires for me! To long with abandon, and
without shame. To keep my heart alive
without numbing!
If I have a chance to look back on my life
at the end of it, there’s a possibility that I
will see a pattern of God’s rich wisdom
threaded into the days of my life. But there
is also the possibility of not seeing or
understanding why He gave me this and
this, but not that. He is God. He is
Could I trust Him to
give any of them back to
me? He did, and gave
my heart permission to
dream again.