Dateline July-September 2017 | Page 2

Program and District Updates Roofing Project begins June 12th Gladstone Meals on Wheels Expansion Say “So long” to the old leaky roof and “Hello” to a new, into Oakdale is well received. energy efficient roof that will be installed this summer. June 12th marks the beginning of this project that is expected to last all summer long. Please pay attention to signs and yellow caution tape during the first half of the summer when the contractors are working on the east (senior) wing of the building. You may be directed to enter the building through the north gym door during the chimney demolition and existing roof tear off beginning June 12th. Construction materials and vehicles will be located near the dumpsters on the north end of the building and on the front lawn but at no time will sidewalks be permanently blocked. Since tar will be used on the new roof, our central air conditioning will not be on at least during the first phase of construction. There may also be some noisy periods. If it is too hot, or too noisy we have a contingency plan to move all activities and supplies to the west (early childhood wing). The rooms on this wing have window air conditioning units. All construction updates and any changes to the activity schedule will be posted in the office and communicated on the activity clipboards. Please stop by the office and let us know how construction is going from your perspective. Thanks to an outpouring of volunteers, Gladstone Meals on Wheels was able to expand delivery throughout the city of Oakdale. Now all residents of Oakdale have the ability to receive hot meals daily, several times a week or to receive a once a week delivery of frozen meals. Meals on Wheels is perfect for people who are unable to prepare nutritious meals for themselves or who need them for the short-term as they recover from an injury, illness or surgery. There are no age or income requirements. Medicaid waivers and other social subsidy programs can help cover the cost of meals. For those who don’t qualify for these programs, meals are priced affordably. For more information and to get your meals started, you may call Gladstone directly at 651-748-7250 or you may call the general intake line at Metro Meals on Wheels which is 651-318-9091. Gladstone Meals on Wheels is a program of ISD 622 Community Education, Gladstone Senior Center. Popular Downsizing, Moving and Planning Classes to Return This Fall Didn’t Receive Your Summer Dateline? Your subscription may have expired. The Dateline subscription year begins with the summer issue, July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018. The subscription rate remains $6 for home delivery. The Dateline is published quarterly and is also available at Gladstone and the local libraries. You can download it electronically or sign up to receive it by email, just go to the website at, click on Dateline Newsletter. Gladstone Closings No Meals on Wheels or Senior Center Activities on: July 3rd or 4th - Independence Day Holiday September 4th - Labor Day Holiday No senior activities but Meals on Wheels will continue: August 14 – 18 - Gladstone east wing cleaning 2 This past spring, presentations on organizing, downsizing, preparing for a move, plan “B” housing decision making, etc. were all filled to capacity with long waiting lists. Beginning September and on into the fall, these classes will be repeated and some new ones will be available. Planning is underway for the Senior Housing Awareness Day on Sat., Sept 23, which includes open houses at many senior housing communities. Call the office or check the fall Learning for All catalog for more details on these classes and events. Thursday is Bakery Day Bread, bagels and assorted bakery goods from Panera are available each Thursday at 12:00 pm. Donations are appreciated to cover the cost of supplies needed to provide this service. World Alzheimer’s Day Wear purple! Thurs., Sept. 21 is World Alzheimer’s Day. Gladstone 55+ center/CLASS will celebrate by launching the Dementia Friendly Communities Initiative. District 622 Community Education • Gladstone 55+ Cent