Dashboards and Saddlebags the Destination Magazine™ Issue 022 January 2013 | Page 21

then to Triple Falls. Usually, I park at the Hooker Falls parking area to visit Hooker and Triple Falls. I thought that I’d change a little this time. As I walked up the gravel road (Buck Forest Road), I ate my second sausage and egg biscuit. The air was clean and the sun felt good. After a short time, I realized that I was overdressed and took off my sweatshirt. I still worked up a sweat. The hike to High Falls was relatively easy until I walked down to the base of the falls. The steps and roots were very slippery. I thought that if I fell and twisted my ankle or broke my leg, I’d be there for a long time. I was all alone at the falls. I was very careful as I walked down to the base of the falls and took some great shots along with a video clip. There was a lot of water coming over the falls and the spray felt good – it cooled me down. The walk up from the base of the falls is strenuous to say the least and the trail is a little rough too. After I got back on the main trail, I took a few more photos but the sun was in the wrong location. It was behind the waterfall and I was looking straight into it. The pictures still came out OK but if I were there later in the day, they would have been much better. I would have been able to see the covered bridge which crosses the Little River just above the falls. I walked down Triple Falls Trail which runs parallel to the river. The river looked so calm. It’s hard to see the actual volume of water moving until you get to the waterfalls. After a few minutes, I started to hear the water falling over the falls. It got louder the closer I got. I stopped at the Triple Falls overlook where they built a very nice shelter for picnics or get-togethers. It has a perfect view of all three waterfalls. I like to visit the waterfalls during the winter because the foliage is off the trees. Sometimes during the summer or fall, the trees obscure part of the waterfall. It’s like that throughout the mountains during the winter. I see things buried in the woods that are completely hidden any other time of the year. After spending some time at the overlook, I decided to take Triple Falls Trail back to Buck Forest Road. It should have been about a quarter mile shorter that going back past High Falls. It might have been shorter but it seemed like it was all up hill. It was also boring with not a lot to see along the way. Occasionally there was a view of the mountains through the trees but most of the time; it was just trees and more trees. Eventually I got Continued From Page 20 DashboardsandSaddlebags.com 704-706-2365 21