Dashboards and Saddlebags the Destination Magazine™ Issue 022 January 2013 | Page 20

Dupont Forrest by Wally Wersching L ast Thursday was Ground Hog Day. It was supposed to be in the high 60’s in the afternoon so I decided to take a ride to DuPont Forest. It had been raining for the past couple days so there should be a lot of water in the Little River going over the falls. I left home about 8:30am in a dense fog. If the ground hog came out in Shelby, he’d never see his shadow. As I headed west on Rt 74, the fog got thinner and finally was gone by the time I stopped at Hardee’s in Forest City. It had turned into a beautiful morning with bright blue cloudless skies. I knew it was going to be a great day to hike around DuPont Forest but first, I stopped in Hendersonville to get some apple strudel for Cindy. I went back south on Main Street and turned right on Caswell Street which turns into Kanuga Road and eventually into Crab Creek Road as it gets close to the DuPont Forest turnoff. I turned left onto Dupont Road which turns into Staton Road. I followed it until I turned left into the Buck Forest parking area. My plan was to hike to High Falls and 20 Dashboards and Saddlebags The Destination Magazine™