Good friend, Bad City
Sometimes writers write for peace, sometimes poets write to
clear their soul, make things whole again by ejecting the empty
space left in between there chest and blood flow, heart break a
form of extreme emotion causes the creative feelings to live at an
all time high. Depression and heightened stress are one of the
many sources of manna for an artist to sip from the goblet of arts.
Winston Churchill stated to improve is to change, to perfect is to
change often. Striving to improve has its sacrifices, which at times
are friends and family.
Artists go through many tribulations to connect to their
“groove” the specific spot in an old couch that has your mold the
perfect fit. To elaborate when all outside fades you find yourself in
the music, a dancers succinct steps the composers dream of
symphonies eye wide open, a writers flowing of words. What
really stops this from happening all the time? are we as artist
really the cause for the blocking of creativity the calcified