DAPPER M August 2014 | Page 19

  class, creed, pigment or even particular books or set school classes. Thankfully this age of current technology allows anyone with a laptop, Internet, mobile phone and wholesale quantities of ambition to set a path to success. With websites like kick starter and entrepreneur blogs the road untraveled has less potholes than it did a few decades ago. With the process of getting this far we inevitably come back to the point “ dude where’s my inspiration” here are a few steps that will help the creative juices flow back into order with out losing productivity and maintaining self respect. • Do other things you are good at, when the heat is started in one place of creativity it will most likely bring it to the other parts. • Get more sleep! Allow your body to rest and thoughts to unblock, creative aphrodisiac. • Read classics see how masters of words help to inspire different perspective ingestion. • Pretend you have a different occupation fall into their shoes, elevator operator, hotdog vendor, and pastry chef. That all for now starts working.   19