Substitutes , Alternates
Substitutes , Alternates
Division , Team Size Requirements
• Teams receiving and accepting a Worlds bid must compete at The Dance Worlds in the same division and category they competed in at the qualifying event . Refer to TheDanceWorlds . net for qualifying bid category details .
• The number of athletes competing on any team at Worlds may not exceed the number of athletes that took the floor with the team at the bid-qualifying event .
• Teams competing in a category offering a Small / Large division must meet the minimum size requirement in the qualified division or they will be assessed a penalty of 5.0 points off the final score .
• If a team uses all alternates to meet division size requirements but still falls short , a 3.0 point penalty will be applied . Alternate athletes used to meet these requirements must actively participate in the routine . Refer to page 5 for size requirements .
Rostered Athletes
The roster size must match the number of athletes on the floor when they received the bid , and it cannot be increased afterward . The club may replace original team members with substitutes and wild card alternates , provided they adhere to these guidelines without exceeding the initial team size .
On a Worlds roster , each athlete ’ s name must be identified as either an original athlete of the team that was on the floor when the bid was received , a substitute or an alternate . All names on the team roster will be verified by the event producer who awarded the Worlds bid .
Athletes may not compete in more than one routine in the same category and division . For example : an athlete may not compete in two Senior Small Jazz routines , but may compete in a Senior Small Jazz routine and an Senior Large Jazz routine .
Original Team Members
Original team members are athletes that were on the floor AND included on the official team roster associated with the event where the bid was awarded .
A team may substitute up to 20 percent of the athletes per team for The Dance Worlds . A substitute must be a regular , paid athlete from another team at the same club and must have competed on the floor for that club at the same event where the bid was awarded . All substitutes must meet the same eligibility requirements as the original team that received the bid . NOTE : Percentages may be rounded up . For example : 20 percent of a team with 13 athletes is 2.6 , which may be rounded up to three substitutes .
Wild Card Alternates
Of the ( up to ) 20 percent possible substitutes , one to three of that 20 percent may be alternates . Alternates are registered members of the same team ’ s club . Alternates do not have to be rostered or in attendance at the Worlds bid-qualifying event where the bid was received .
At The Dance Worlds , an athlete may perform up to five times and must represent the same club . Crossovers of athletes between dance clubs are NOT permitted at The Dance Worlds . Crossovers between The Dance Worlds and The Cheerleading Worlds are not permitted . The costs specified for hotel and commuter packages shown on page 19 include the competition fees for an athlete ' s first three routines . An additional fee of $ 100 per routine per person will be applied for the fourth and fifth routines .
• Alternates , substitutes and reserves on a roster will be considered a potential participant of The Dance Worlds and must pay the registration fee by the time the roster is verified .
• If , for any reason , a substitute is needed to replace an active athlete on a team roster , ONLY an athlete listed as a reserve athlete on the respective team ’ s official Worlds roster may be used for that substitution .
• An individual attending Worlds exclusively as a reserve athlete may be included on more than one team roster within the same club .
• The club must notify a Worlds official of an athlete replacement ( moving athlete from reserve to active ) prior to the team and the athlete taking the floor .
• Please allow adequate time for a Worlds official to verify eligibility .
Roster Violations
It is important to ensure your roster is true and accurate before submitting it to the bid-giving event or Worlds . If a team is found to have made an improper substitution or alternate assignment , or has an illegal team member , this team :
• will be disqualified .
• may be responsible for repaying the total cost of any funds received through a partial-paid bid .
• may be prevented ( along with the entire dance club ) from being eligible for any type of bid to The Dance Worlds or The Cheerleading Worlds the following year .
For more information or to register , visit TheDanceWorlds . net | 901.231.1952 The Dance Worlds TM 2025 | 8