Dance Worlds Packet 2025 | Page 7

The Bid Process

The Bid Process

Event producers will publish the procedures they will follow for awarding bids prior to the start of their qualifying competition . An event producer may not award more than one bid and / or type of bid to the same team .
Club Requirement at Bid Qualifiers
All athletes from a club participating in a 2025 Worlds bid qualifier must be USASF members and listed on official USASF team rosters for the event . This requirement applies to every team attending the event , regardless of the division in which they are competing .
Partial-Paid Bids , At-Large Bids
Bids are awarded at The Dance Worlds qualifying events . Each event producer that hosts a Worlds bid-qualifying event has the discretion to select the processes by which the bids are awarded .
• Partial-paid bid sponsors may award up to a $ 5000 maximum per team or $ 325 per athlete and two coaches on a bid-wining team . Sponsorship funds should not be considered as prize money ; instead , they are intended to cover expenses related to the team ' s participation in The Dance Worlds , such as the Worlds registration package , lodging , and transportation to Orlando .
• At-large bid sponsors generally award this bid to runner-up teams or teams scoring next highest to the partial-paid-bidwinning team ( s ). Recipients of at-large bids must pay for their own Worlds registration packages and all other related expenses .
NOTE : In the event of The Dance Worlds being canceled , sponsorship funds must be reimbursed to the awarding event producer . Any additional expenses arising from this situation will be the responsibility of the respective team or club . Event producers shall not assume responsibility for late fees should their representing team fail to meet registration deadlines . Similarly , event producers will not be accountable for additional change fees should the representing team need to make alterations to their initial registration or travel plans .
Receiving a Bid
Bid winners are required to confirm their acceptance within 72 hours following the conclusion of the bid-receiving event . Consequently , teams participating in a Worlds bid-qualifying event must make critical decisions in advance , including their commitment to accepting a bid , the roster of participants and travel arrangements . This tight timeframe serves the purpose of minimizing last-minute alterations that can escalate expenses and disrupt the overall travel process . sponsoring event produce with 72 hours after the last day of the bid-receiving event .
• Once a team accepts a bid , all required registration materials must be completed by the deadlines noted on page 22 of this guide . Any team holding its registration past the deadline in hopes of receiving a partial-paid bid at a later Worlds bid qualifier , but is ultimately unsuccessful in achieving one , will be charged a late registration fee .
• Bids that are not accepted or declined by the deadline may be reassigned to an alternate team at the discretion of the event producer . However , the event producer cannot reassign any unaccepted or declined at-large bids more than 96 hours after the last day of the qualifying event .
Declining a Bid ( to pursue a new bid ) A team is limited to accepting only one bid for The Dance Worlds within a specific division . If a team has accepted a bid and intends to compete for an upgraded bid ( from an at-large bid to a partial-paid bid ), no formal declination is necessary . However , if a team chooses to vie for a similar bid ( from atlarge to at-large or from partial-paid to partial-paid ), they must officially DECLINE the original bid no later than 11pm EST on the Friday night before the event begins .
The process to DECLINE a bid includes :
• The club must log in to their USASF club account at usasfmembers . net .
• On the profile dashboard , locate and click the DECLINE button next to the previously awarded Worlds bid .
• If the bid is not declined by 11pm EST on the Friday before the event , the team will be ineligible to compete for a new bid .
Junior Division Bids
U . S . Junior team with a minimum of six dancers who wish to receive a bid to compete in the Junior Division at The Dance Worlds 2025 must submit a video for qualification . Up to six U . S . teams ( limited to one team per club ) will be selected to receive at-large bids in the Junior Division . Video qualifications and additional information is available at TheDanceWorlds . net / junior-dance .
Accepting a Bid
• To accept a bid , the club must return the Bid Winners Acceptance Form and / or give verbal approval to the
Boost Your Bid to Worlds !
Boost your earnings for The Dance Worlds with a Worlds Bid Boost ! These cash prizes are available at select USASF sanctioned competitions for teams holding Dance Worlds bids . Event producers may award up to $ 100 per participating athlete on a winning Bid Boost team . Find Bid Boost events .
For more information or to register , visit TheDanceWorlds . net | 901.231.1952 The Dance Worlds TM 2025 | 7