Dance Worlds Packet 2025 | Page 16

C . Injury
1 . Persons that may stop a routine for injury are : competition officials , the club owner / head coach from the team performing , or an injured individual .
2 . The competition officials will determine if the team will be allowed to perform at a later time . If the competition officials allow a routine to be performed at a later time , the spot in the schedule where the re-performance is to take place is at the sole discretion of competition officials . The injured athlete that wishes to perform may not return to the competition floor unless : a . The competition officials receive clearance from , first , the medical personnel attending to that athlete , the parent / guardian ( if present ), AND THEN the head coach / owner of the competing team . b . If medical personnel do not clear the athlete , the athlete can only return to the competition if a parent or legal guardian in attendance signs a return-to-participation waiver . c . In the event of a suspected concussion , the athlete cannot return to perform without clearance from a medical doctor or designated official specifically trained in concussion management , even with a waiver from a parent or legal guardian .
IV . How to Handle Procedural Questions Any question concerning the rules or procedures of the competition will be received only from one designated representative of the team ( coach , director , etc .) and should be directed to a competition official . Such questions should be made prior to the team ’ s performance . Any questions concerning the team ’ s performance should be made to a competition official immediately after the team ’ s performance .
V . Interpretations and Rulings Any interpretation of any aspect of these rules and regulations or any decision involving any other aspect of the competition will be rendered by the event officials . The event official and judges will render a judgment in an effort to ensure that the competition proceeds in a manner consistent with the general spirit and goals of the competition . parents and any other persons affiliated with the team conduct themselves accordingly . Severe cases of unsportsmanlike conduct are grounds for disqualification as explained in this document .
VIII . Deductions and Disqualifications Any team in violation of USASF and / or IASF Dance Rules will be assessed a penalty between 0.25 and 5.0 points off the final score .
IX . Scores and Rankings Individual judge ’ s score sheets are for the exclusive use of each particular judge . Each judge has the responsibility and authority to review and submit his or her final scores and rankings prior to the final tally of the scores for all teams . Scores and rankings will be available only to club owners and coaches at the conclusion of the division .
X . In the Event of a Tie A . All USASF Senior Club Divisions will NOT break ties for teams moving to the next round or finals placements including bronze , silver and gold .* Preliminary , semifinal or finals placements will follow sequential standings ( ex . when two teams are tied for 2nd place the standings would be : 1 , 2 , 2 , 3 ).
B . All IASF Open and Junior Divisions will NOT break ties for finals placements including bronze , silver and gold . * Finals placements will follow sequential standings ( ex . when two teams are tied for 2nd place the standings would be : 1 , 2 , 2 , 3 ).
C . All IASF Open and Junior Divisions WILL break ties for teams moving into finals . In such cases , these steps will be followed until the tie is broken :
Step 1 : Event officials will look at the tied teams ’ raw scores per judge to see which team was ranked higher most often . Whichever team is ranked higher more often will receive the higher ranking .
Step 2 : A panel including the head judge , competition officials , etc ., will review both routines and select a winner of the tiebreaker .
VI . Finality of Decision By participating in The Dance Worlds , each team agrees that the decisions by the judges will be final and will not be subject for review . Each team acknowledges the necessity for the judges to make prompt and fair decisions in this competition and each team therefore expressly waives any legal , equitable , administrative , or procedural review of such decisions .
VII . Sportsmanship All athletes agree to conduct themselves in a manner displaying good sportsmanship throughout and following the competition . Club owners and coaches of each team are responsible for seeing that team members , coaches ,
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