Rules & Regulations
The Dance Worlds 2025
Rules & Regulations
I . General Event and Competition Guidelines A . Athletes at The Dance Worlds may not perform more than five times and must represent the same club . Athletes may not compete in more than one routine in the same category and division . Example : A dancer may not compete in two Senior Small Jazz routines .
B . Teams may not use Walt Disney World ® themes , nor may they have costumes that resemble a Walt Disney World ® character . However , Walt Disney World ® music is acceptable if music licensing guidelines are followed .
C . Routine performance time may not exceed two minutes and fifteen seconds ( 2:15 ) and may not be less than one minute and forty-five seconds ( 1:45 ).
D . Each team is required to assign a responsible adult who knows the routine and music to stay at the music station during the team ’ s performance . This representative is responsible for starting the music and stopping the music in case of technical malfunction or injury . Please make sure that all devices are fully charged , placed in airplane mode and the volume is turned up .
E . The performance floor surface will be a Marley floor with a center line from the front to the back . The performance floor is 53.7 feet wide and 50 feet deep . The Marley floor is comprised of 10 strips , each 5 feet 3.5 inches wide . Each performance floor is on a stage . Each stage measures 60 feet wide and 56 feet deep .
F . For the safety of all competitors , teams may not alter the performance surface ( i . e . use of powder , flakes , etc .).
G . Athletes shall use the designated stage entrance and exit areas only .
H . All center markers are prohibited . All performance surfaces will have the center marked .
I . The competition is scheduled to be held at the Disney ' s Coronado Springs Resort Convention Center .
J . The competition officials shall have the right to alter the time and location of the competition in the event changes become necessary due to inclement weather , facility problems , video production requirements , or any other situation deemed by the competition officials to be essential to the successful execution of the competition .
K . Use of fire , noxious gases , live animals and other potentially hazardous , inert elements are strictly prohibited .
II . Performance Behavior
A . Athletes are expected to exhibit the utmost sportsmanship , respect and support throughout the entire event .
B . From team introduction , competitors are expected to take the floor within 30 seconds and assume starting position of the routine . At the conclusion of the routine , competitors are expected to exit the performance floor immediately , within 30 seconds .
C . Actions that exhibit excessive boasting , a delay in competition , poor sportsmanship , unprofessional behavior , etc . may be penalized . All facets of a performance , including choreography and music , should be appropriate and suitable for family viewing .
D . Athletes with bare midriffs and / or upper leg ( i . e . leotard or costumes without shorts ) must wear a suitable cover ups over costumes unless in the warm-up area , on deck , or on the performance stage .
E . Teams will be assessed a point penalty for exhibiting unsportsmanlike , unprofessional , disrespectful and / or unsupportive behavior . The amount of the penalty will be determined by competition officials .
III . Interruption of Performance Competition officials reserve the right to interrupt a team ’ s routine at any time deemed necessary and not covered by items A , B , or C . A . Unforeseen Circumstances
1 . If , in the opinion of the competition officials , a team ’ s routine is interrupted because of failure of the competition equipment , facilities , or other factors attributable to the competition rather than the team , the team affected or competition officials may stop the routine .
2 . The degree and effect of the interruption will be determined by the competition officials . The competition officials will determine if the team will perform again immediately or be allowed to perform at a later time . If decided by officials , the team will perform the routine again in its entirety , but will be evaluated ONLY from the point where the interruption occurred . The spot in the schedule where the re-performance is to take place is at the sole discretion of competition officials .
B . Fault of Team
1 . In the event a team ’ s routine is interrupted because of failure of the team ’ s own equipment and / or music , the team must continue the routine .
2 . The degree and effect of the interruption will be determined by the competition officials . The competition officials will determine if the team will perform again immediately or be allowed to perform at a later time . If decided by officials , the team will perform the routine again in its entirety , but will be evaluated ONLY from the point where the interruption occurred . The spot in the schedule where the re-performance is to take place is at the sole discretion of competition officials .
For more information or to register , visit TheDanceWorlds . net | 901.231.1952 The Dance Worlds TM 2025 | 15