DairyPost Africa • May 2014
Boosting Production
and the Dairy Sustainability Framework
– how do they go together?
The global dairy sector faces a
delicate balancing act – increasing
production of safe and nutritious milk
from healthy cattle while preserving
natural resources and ensuring decent
livelihoods across the industry.
he Dairy Sustainability Framework
provides a unified, global,
approach for improving the sector’s
sustainability performance.
All businesses want and need to grow if
they are to remain competitive, and dairy
farming is no different. The challenge is
that we are dealing with a biological system
involving complex interactions between
plants and animals that are influenced
heavily by the natural environment. It takes
great skill by the dairy farmer to achieve
balance in their farming system to maximize
production from the available resources.
Boosting milk production is the desire
of dairy farmers globally. The Dairy
Sustainability Framework (DSF) provides an
innovative set of criteria that farmers and
milk processors are encouraged to consider
in the planning and implementation phases
to ensure their resources are managed
appropriately, and in turn increase the
longevity of their business.
What is this DSF and how was it
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