Daily Planet Magazine | Page 5


My movie contains mostly of POV shots and mid shots which follow the horror genre's codes and conventions. I used POV shots to show through the eyes of the protagonist the effects of the shift to a darker tone from a light one and also to show the fear he is feeling. It is also a clever technique to build tension and suspense right up to the shocking reveal. I have used various shots to progress my plot and develop an effective narrative while enchancing the visual appeal of my film by using panning shot, wide shot, Mid shots, shot-reverse shot and POV shots. I used quick and fast shots like james wan. I chose james wan as he is a master in making horror fims and I used him as an inspiration for my shots.


Lighting is one of the main elements that can influence a films entire look and feel. I used both natural light and external lights in my film. I have used lighting by following the coneventions of a horror fillm while also going against its code and conventions. I first used high-key lighting on purpose to give the apartment a warm welcoming feel and then suddenly reveal the true state of the house by suddenly changing it to a dark low-key lighted house using red gel paper to make the lighting red. This added a contrast between red and black which made the scene into demonic imagery used to strike fear into the audience and to show the antagonist is of demonic origin and is much sinister then expected. I Challenged the code and conventions at first to trick people into a sense of false security and then followed the genre's conventions by using low-key lighting.


Sound is very important for a Horror Film to help set the tone, create tension and suspense. It also makes up the atmosphere for the film. I followed the codes and conventions by using sterotypical non-diegetic horror background music to create a chilly atmosphere and used a tense chase music to show the protagonist running in fear and terror. I used a build up music track too, It build up suspense and anticipation for the reveal and got the audience at the edge of their seats to see what happens next. I used some sound effects as well like ticking of time to show the passage of time. All music i used i gave credit to the original creators in my movie credits.