March 5
PSALM 42:1-7
LUKE 4:23-30
Lord — Thank you for your challenging words.
You declare that you are fulfilling the words of
Isaiah and your own your family and friends,
those who know you best, do not believe you.
You’re just a nice young man; that is all.
You tell them with that attitude they are going
to totally miss out. And their reaction is rage.
They want to kill you. Sounds so ridiculous.
But does it? You are so familiar that we
sometimes forget your awesomeness. We allow
you in only part-way. We seek you only when
convenient or when we truly are desperate.
Forgive me for that Lord. Help me in my
familiarity to NOT forget who you really are. My
Lord and savior. The light and the way. Truth
made flesh for my salvation. Thank you Lord.
In your great and wonderful name, I pray.
Mike Castellon