CYPSEC 2023 e-Booklet 3rd Cyprus Defence & Security Intl Conference | Page 15

MG Neophytos Pachoulides
General Inspector National Guard of Cyprus
Born in Nicosia – Cyprus in 1967 , MG Neophytos PACHOULIDES joined the Hellenic Army Military Academy in 1985 and was commissioned as an Armor – Cavalry Second Lieutenant in 1989 . He attended all the schools and courses of his Arm in Greece as well as the Lieutenant ’ s course of the French Ecole de Cavalerie , Saumur .
He graduated from the Advanced School of Staff Officers , the Hellenic War College and the Collège Interarmées de Défense ( CID ). Furthermore , he attended the European Security and Defence Policy Orientation and High Level Courses .
He has served as a tank Platoon and Company Commander from 1990 to 1999 and as a tank Battalion Training- Operations Officer and Deputy Commander . He also served as a tank Battalion Commander from 2007 to 2011 . Between 2011-2016 he served in Staff positions at the Strategic and Operational levels ( G3 , J5 and Transformation Directorate ). Parallel to the above he attended the National Defence College ( via e- learning ), thus enhancing his knowledge in military diplomacy and strategic studies .
The following three years ( 2016-2019 ) he was assigned as Military Representative of the Republic of Cyprus to the EU Military Committee , in Brussels , a period marked by intense progress in deepening both EU Defence effort and EU-NATO relationship .
In 2019 , he was promoted to Colonel and was assigned as Deputy Commander of the 20th Armoured Brigade . In March 2021 he became the Director of the D ’ Branch within the NGGS , responsible for Defence Planning and Programming , Organization , Doctrine , Transformation , and International Relations Directorates . In March 2022 he was promoted to BG and was assigned as Brigade Commander . Being promoted to Major General in April 2023 , he has been assigned as General Inspector of NG .
He is qualified with a Master of Arts in International Relations ( University of Nicosia ) and a Master degree in Études européennes , méditerranéennes et asiatiques ( École Pratique des Hautes Études , Paris ).
He speaks English and French . Neophytos is married to Christiana and has two children ( Andreas , 26 and Helena , 24 ).