What we call “world maritimisation”, the fact that all the strategic interests will depend more and more of the sea
factors will reinforce the needs about a better common European approach for investing together. We are listening
to our natural Mediterranean friends because they share the same will.
For both state and private maritime activities, economic development couldn’t be sustainable without green and
smart solutions. Many European cooperation are underway or must be built rapidly. The French approach is to
design maritime security, safety, surveillance, and environment protection solutions fitted for both national and
European context.
France Marine Industry is really committed in the defence and security future of eastern Mediterranean for blue
economy development as trusted third party of foreign companies or manufacturers associations.
"Maritime security and safety in coastal areas – Expertise and solutions"
GICAN, French Marine Industry association, is convinced that we must develop a security offer, as a sort of
“coastguards’ function” framework.
A capacity brochure was launched recently, covering main aspects for safe seas:
Maritime safety aims to protect vessels against criminal practices at sea (piracy, slave trading, drug trafficking,
Maritime security concerns the prevention of risks of a natural origin or generated by maritime navigation
(collisions, groundings, fires…)
Maritime environment specificities (oceans, seas, estuaries, coastal regions and ports, waterways) for protection.
- By preserving biodiversity,
- preventing chemical or oil product spillage, accidental or deliberate pollution,
- controlling fishing activities and marine culture exploitation.
France and Europe are entering in a new era, it’s a question of survival: 95% of goods flow and 90% of data flow
passes through. More of 60% of the world’s population lives in greater coastal areas (3.8 billion people). France has
the second economic zone in the world more than 11 million square kilometres.
Maritime goods traffic continues to grow and needs to be protected. Navigation routes are increasingly busy and
need to be patrolled for anticipating and counter forms of accident or illegal activities. Marine renewable energy
plants need to be secured. Mineral and fishery resources need to be patrolled and monitored to avoid resource
plundering and violation of international decisions. Strategic maritime zones need to be protected in order to
ensure ongoing flow and prevention of crises.
We have expertise:
security systems combined with early warnings and surveillance networks
Monitoring and management solution for offshore installations whatever activity
Collection of datas from environmental satellites
Tracking and selection of useful information
We have new solutions based on:
Reinforced AIS (Automatic Identification System) satellite services, new observation satellites systems in
geostationary orbit with telescopes and real time information
Deployed fields of High-frequency radars with ground wave covering all the EEZ
Continuous presence at sea with drones for clearing zones and development of surface and subsurface drones to
Creation of a shared maritime surveillance platform housing services
Some examples of products :
actionable intelligence and maritime security products
robotics, underwater gliders and acoustic positioning and recorders
Ship builders medium size for OPV’s and patrol craft
Infrared systems
Beach access, floating barrels
End to end solution for SAR