passed up for promotions or project opportunities . To avoid this , be sure to include teleworkers in all group activities such as staff meetings and recognition events , and ensure that teleworkers are evaluated and rewarded just as equally as non-teleworking employees .
Non-teleworking employees also have trust issues that supervisors must consider . They must trust that teleworkers will meet their commitments and be as accessible as if they are in the office . They also need to know that their workload won ' t increase with some staff teleworking , and that tasks usually performed at a specific company location will be assigned equally . This concern can be relieved by ensuring that all employees , whether they ’ re teleworking or not , have access to each other at all times through innovative technology methods .
Below are a few tips to help a manager make the right decisions to ensuring telework is successful within the organization .
• Trust your teleworkers at all times and demonstrate this trust by assigning challenging projects once the employee delivers a strong performance
• Include teleworks in surveys and evaluations
• Try teleworking yourself when you have the opportunity . It will help increase your personal effectiveness and improve your understanding of the pros and cons of teleworking
• Consider your teleworker ' s point of view in all situations . Understand the timeframes involved in completing tasks and the resources required to complete them
• Involve teleworkers when setting work goals and objectives
• Delegate assignments fairly among teleworkers and non-teleworkers
• Include teleworkers in day-to-day activities . Be aware of your teleworkers ’ attitudes and involvement to ensure they don ’ t feel isolated from the main office
• Encourage informal communication within your team to keep teleworkers and co-workers in touch and up-to-date . Consider establishing a " virtual water cooler " via a shared e-mail folder or organizational Intranet
• Communicate on a regular basis with all technology methods , including phone , e-mail , instant messaging and online meetings
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