Managers should consider each position thoroughly and determine whether there is potential to create a telework opportunity . As an alternative , the employee may be able to telework one day a week , or half a day for two days a week .
Breaking the Cultural Barriers
A telework program challenges management traditions , as it fundamentally changes how a manager should think about supervising employees . With teleworkers , managers should evaluate an employee ’ s performance by results , not by physical presence . However , this type of management style brings forth issues of employee trust and empowerment – two key elements of a strong working relationship . Telework also creates the challenge of keeping workers , whether they are teleworking or not , to work as a team to achieve one common goal .
Before implementing telework and to help break down any cultural or procedural barriers , managers may need to initiate the following practices to maximize your effectiveness at supervising teleworkers :
• Maintain a sense of control even when people are out of sight
• Develop increased levels of trust and use trust as a purposeful tool
• Use technology for staying in touch with teleworkers
• Rethink and redesign the way certain jobs are performed
• Plan further in advance for meetings and other team activities
• Focus objectives and expectations on short-term , project-based goals
• Adopt location-independent ways of measuring performance and results
• Transition teamwork toward more electronic-based collaboration
For teleworking to be effective , managers must demonstrate trust and support to teleworkers . Most of the time , the people you trust will live up to that trust and respond to it by exceeding your expectations .
While entrusting your employees is vital to an effective telework program , employees who telework must also have trust in you . Some employees fear that not being visible may mean being
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